Is there a way to add cells based on their shading / fill colour?



I need to know if it is possible to add cells in a column based on their fill
In each column, I have some cells shaded green, some red and some blank.
At the bottom of the column I need to add up the green cells and get a green
and below that to add the red cells to get a red total.
The green and red shadings are not fixed - I need to be able to move them as
construction dates change.
If it is not possible to use the shading as an indicator of which cells
should be added, it there another way - making them a different font or
changing the font colour?
Any help would be most appreciated. PS - I am a techno-phobe, so in simple
terms please!


Thanks Bob

I can't get it to work, but I am going to play around and see if I can
figure something out.

I'll let you know!

PS - Awesome site- thanks!

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