Is there a way to attach files in one note that uses a common URL



I'm currently testing OneNote - I like it. I'm linking office and excel
documents into OneNote, but is there a way to a use a universal naming
convention to strip away the specific file locations. Why? If I move my
data from the D: drive to the E: drive, all my links are toast?

Thanks for your help.

Erik Sojka

Are you referring to something like how FrontPage automatically updates URLs
when pages are moved or renamed?

Not many programs support that. The same "problem" occurs when you link to
files from a Word or PowerPoint document.

Maybe posting the files on a website or SharePoint site where they're always
accessible might help. How often are you moving these files between drives?
Are the D: and E: drives removable drives like a USB key? Maybe you can
configure Windows to always use the same drive letter for this, minizing your
hyperlink issue in OneNote.


The My Documents folder is located on my D: drive, however, that could change
in the future depending on if I need to move my data to a different location.
My work around is as follows:

Step 1: Share out the data directory with a unique name (ensuring you set
the appropriate Share and NTFS security permissions),
Step 2: When linking files into OneNote, use the syntax for a File URL to
map to the document: ie. <file://\\blackbox\myd\OPA - Anthony Robbins.doc>

This allows me the opportunity to move my data to any server or different
location, and provided I have a host/lmhost file or DNS entry for the URL
naming convention with the proper share name, I can always access my data.

Using Sharepoint or an internal website creates security concerns - but it
would definitely work.

Thanks again.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I'm currently testing OneNote - I like it. I'm linking office and
excel documents into OneNote, but is there a way to a use a universal
naming convention to strip away the specific file locations. Why? If
I move my data from the D: drive to the E: drive, all my links are

Thanks for your help.

Yes, you should be able to use UNC names for your links.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

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assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.

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