is there a way to create a secured section of a website pub 07?


Don Schmidt

I've got a few pages of my Publisher 2000 site protected with a User name
and Password and it should be much the same with Publisher 07.

In your website folder on your hard drive create a folder named, i.e.,
secure (or vault, or safe, or any name you like)

In this folder build a website (the pages you wanted protected). Don't mix
them with the original website files. Don't include any proprietary
information yet - that comes later.

Next create on your server, in the folder that stores your website files a
folder named secure (or the name you used in the previous steps).

Upload the newly created website files into the secure folder.

Edit your original website by adding a link to the home page of the secure
website. Upload the updated pages.

Test: Go to your website and test the link; you should be able to bring up
the "secure" website. If all ok, on to the next steps, creating the

This will involve editing or creating a cig-bin folder, creating a .htaccess
file and a .htpasswd file and of course a User name and Password.

Visit here for the specific instructions: hosting&PHPSESSID=55736be501acc28988d4209147258b1c

Review items 21 and 22.

Note: Check with your ISP for their requirements.

Also you are invited to visit
for some alternate ways of protecting information on a website.

'Hope this is of some help to you.


Most hosting services offer a means to password protect a folder on the
host. Don has done a excellent job of describing one method where the host
offers .htaccess file...I think this is if your host is a UNIX based service
vs. a Windows. Go to your host, log in, and scan the FAQ section or look
under Support for what your host offers.


Mike Koewler


Just a FYI! I got this from my web host who is upgrading the server to
Apache 2:

However, in this version of Apache (2), there are significant changes to
the way mod_security is implemented. No longer is it controlled via
..htaccess files, but instead, it is setup in your domain\'s Vhost entry
inside of the apache configuration file.



Thanks Mike.


Mike Koewler said:

Just a FYI! I got this from my web host who is upgrading the server to
Apache 2:

However, in this version of Apache (2), there are significant changes to
the way mod_security is implemented. No longer is it controlled via
.htaccess files, but instead, it is setup in your domain\'s Vhost entry
inside of the apache configuration file.


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