I've got a few pages of my Publisher 2000 site protected with a User name
and Password and it should be much the same with Publisher 07.
In your website folder on your hard drive create a folder named, i.e.,
secure (or vault, or safe, or any name you like)
In this folder build a website (the pages you wanted protected). Don't mix
them with the original website files. Don't include any proprietary
information yet - that comes later.
Next create on your server, in the folder that stores your website files a
folder named secure (or the name you used in the previous steps).
Upload the newly created website files into the secure folder.
Edit your original website by adding a link to the home page of the secure
website. Upload the updated pages.
Test: Go to your website and test the link; you should be able to bring up
the "secure" website. If all ok, on to the next steps, creating the
This will involve editing or creating a cig-bin folder, creating a .htaccess
file and a .htpasswd file and of course a User name and Password.
Visit here for the specific instructions:
http://www.iinet.com/support/faqlist.php?cat=web hosting&PHPSESSID=55736be501acc28988d4209147258b1c
Review items 21 and 22.
Note: Check with your ISP for their requirements.
Also you are invited to visit
for some alternate ways of protecting information on a website.
'Hope this is of some help to you.