Levi Page
Basically I have a task such as project management or general support that
will require about 12 hours of work over a 2 month period. What i would like
is if there was a way for each week or percentage of the two month period for
Microsoft Project to automatically update the completed %. So basically if I
have a five hour task spread out over a week, each day the completed% would
update by 20% (100/5 days=20% a day). Any help would be much appreciated.
will require about 12 hours of work over a 2 month period. What i would like
is if there was a way for each week or percentage of the two month period for
Microsoft Project to automatically update the completed %. So basically if I
have a five hour task spread out over a week, each day the completed% would
update by 20% (100/5 days=20% a day). Any help would be much appreciated.