Is there a way to import backrounds in visio?



Looking to add a backround in my visio. Can this be done? I want my backround
to be a camo look but can't seem to see how to add it to my backround
Any help?

Mike S

You will need to locate a suitable graphic. Since your image is resized to
fit the page size, the aspect ratio may change and make the image look
stretched or squished. Keep that in mind when selecting your image.

Start a new drawing.

If using Visio 2003, you need to create a custom stencil for your master.
Select File, Shapes, click on New Stencil. This will create a new stencil,
and it will already be open for editing.

Put your picture on the drawing.
(There is no right way to do this. Insert, Picture, or Copy/Paste from
another location, Drag and drop onto the page, however you like to put the
picture there, is up to you.)

Drag the image onto the stencil.
This will remove it from the page and turn it into a master. It will get a
name with Master.xx (where xx is some 2 digit number). Right click the new
master, select Edit Master, and then Master Properties to change the name.

Set up the Shapesheet
Right click the new master, choose Edit Master, then Edit Master Shape. This
will open the master in a new window. Click on the image to select it and use
the menu item, Window, Show Shapesheet.

In the Shape Transform section, enter the following formulas. (In most
cases, you will be replacing an existing formula)

(If you don't see a Shape Transform section, you didn't click the image to
select it first. Close the open shapesheet window. Then click the image in
the Edit Master page to select it. Then reopen the shapesheet.)

Width: =GUARD(ThePage!PageWidth)
Height: =GUARD(ThePage!PageHeight)
PinX: =GUARD(0)
PinY: =GUARD(0)
LocPinX: =0 (When you press Enter, cell will display 0 in.)
LocPinY: =0 (When you press Enter, cell will display 0 in.)

In the Protection section, set the follwing values to 1

In the Events section, set the following value
EventDrop: =RUNADDON("Make Background")+SETF("EventDrop",0)

Close the Shapesheet window. Then close the Edit Master window. (You will be
asked if you want to update the Master. Choose YES.) Right click on the title
bar for the Stencil and choose Save. Then right click the title bar and click
Edit Stencil to exit editing mode.

Now just drag and drop your master onto your drawing. When you want to use
the background, you need to open your custom stencil, then drag the master to
your drawing.


or simply add an image to fill a page and use the page as a background layer
and put other stuff on a foreground page

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