Is there a way to link to a hyperink in word with 1 click of the m



I would like to be able to create a hyperlink link in MSword.

Either a graphic link of a text link which links directly to a http: file
that I have on the internet.

The current solution that I see offered in word to follow a hyperlink , is
that CTRL + Click which is too much work.

I want to be able to hold my mouse over the text area or graphic and
immediately have the hand signal to follow the link.

Does your software do this?

Jay Freedman

nancyshone said:
I would like to be able to create a hyperlink link in MSword.

Either a graphic link of a text link which links directly to a http:
file that I have on the internet.

The current solution that I see offered in word to follow a hyperlink
, is that CTRL + Click which is too much work.

I want to be able to hold my mouse over the text area or graphic and
immediately have the hand signal to follow the link.

Does your software do this?

It isn't "my" software -- there are no Microsoft employees around here most
of the time, just users helping users.

Anyway, yes, you can go to Tools > Options > Edit in Word 2003 or earlier,
or Office button > Word Options > Advanced > Editing Options in Word 2007,
and uncheck the box for "Use CTRL+Click to follow hyperlink".

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.



Thank you so much for your help. This is my first time on this type of board
discussions. I am very novice on these chats and am in unfamiliar territory.

I have another quick question related closely to my previous.

When I am editing in a Header section of a word.doc, I am able to create the
hyperlink as discribed in your previous post. But when I close the Header
editor, The text in the header gets softer looking in color like background
text and does not respond with the hand icon when I hold the cursor over the
hyperlink text.

My question is does hyperlink work in word doc headers?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.

Jay Freedman

In Word, the header and footer are shaded and inactive when the cursor is in
the body of the text, and vice versa. So although hyperlinks do "work" in
headers and footers, you first have to open the header or footer pane to be
able to click them. You can do that quickly by double-clicking in the header
or footer area, once there is some text there. Similarly, you can close the
area by double-clicking in the body text.

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