Hi Butkus:
After you place your dropdown onto your letter, do the following-
1) View-> Toolbars-> "Visual Basic"
2) Right click on your project (viewed in the Project Window) and select
Insert-> Module
3) In the module workspace for "Module1" (or whatever you call it), put in a
sub routine such as-
Sub SelectLetter()
Dim ffld As Word.FormField, xx As String
Set ffld = ActiveDocument.FormFields(1)
Select Case ffld.Result
Case "Business"
xx = "Dear Sir: "
Case "Personal"
xx = "Hi Mom! "
End Select
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("bkTest").Range.Text = xx
End Sub
4) Add in a bookmark where you want your letter/paragraph to go. We'll call
it "bkTest" as referenced above.
5) Now get out of the Visual Basic Interface and right click on your
dropdown item and select "Properties".
6) Click on "Run Macro on..." area, under "Exit" and select the
"SelectLetter" macro from the list.
7) Click on the "Drop-down item:" area and add "Business"-> Add>>, then
"Personal"-> Add>>
8) Press "OK".
9) Test your app... remember to lock your form!