Is there a way to revert ON 2007 files back to 2003 format



I've been using on 2007 for the last few weeks and was happy with it until it
started running at 100% CPU all the time. It seems to be an issue wits a few
beta testers. l am considering going back to 2003, but I cannot find any way
to convert the 2007 files back to 2003 format. trying to open 2003 shows a
message that the pages were created with a newer version, and I should check
the website for a program that can convert the files, but I cannot find

How do I do this?




There is no converter, here are your options:
1. open your old notes (my docs\onenote notebook) to recover your notes from
before you upgrade.
2.a. Install 2003 side by side and copy/paste the new content that you added
in 2007 back into 2003, or
2.b. Save your new pages as .mht's and copy/paste from the .mht's back into
2003, or
2.c. Send your new pages to Word, and the copy/paste into 2003

Re: your 100% cpu usage issue

Do you ink a lot/at all?
Does it just happen on certain pages, or all pages?
Have you tried leaving it running overnight and see if it is better in the




I tried the side by side copy and paste, but i either got a graphical image
instead of ink in 2003 or I got every individual stroke of ink lined up in a
column one after the other. I'll try the other suggestions and get back to
you on their success.

To answer your other questions... I do ink, but not a lot...maybe a page or
two a day at the most. The 100% CPU happens as soon as I open ON2007. I
have left it running for aout 5hrs and it still shows 100%. I can try
letting it run over night, but it seems others that have tried that still see
the 100% CPU.

Thanks for the suggestions



Ok, it probably isn't related to ink, because we only parse the page you are
looking at, thus it wouldn't peg the CPU for any page if there was some issue
with the parsing.

My guess is that it is search. You might try going back to the beta
download page and upgrading to the latest windows desktop search build. it
is supposed to be much better and might solve your problem.

Bummer about the ink as pictures thing. the other two solutions will
probably cause the same thing to happen unfortunately.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

You can also try doing a full sync (if any of your Notebooks are stored
on a file or SharePoint server) and then closing OneNote and deleting the
cache file.

I've found that gives me a few weeks of non-100% CPU time.


Erik, everything is stored locally.

Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
You can also try doing a full sync (if any of your Notebooks are stored
on a file or SharePoint server) and then closing OneNote and deleting the
cache file.

I've found that gives me a few weeks of non-100% CPU time.



I know no one forced me to install the beta, but ever other microsoft
application I know of allows you to save files in an earlier file format.
Not having that feature not only prevents me from downgrading, but it also
stops me from sharing notes with others who don't use the beta. Will this
feature be added to the final release?



Patrick Schmid


Absolutely not. It will remain a one way street. The changes in the file
format are just too large and the current user base is too small to
warrant the effort of providing the 2003 format in 2007. Microsoft is
betting that everyone will want to upgrade to 2007 and hence that this
problem will simply not exist. I think they are making the right bet.

Patrick Schmid

Rainald Taesler

Alex said:
My guess is that it is search. You might try going back to the beta
download page and upgrading to the latest windows desktop search
build. it is supposed to be much better and might solve your

Are you sure that this is a recommendation to be followed?

Pls see the posting below.

Von: "Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team)"
<[email protected]>
Betreff: OneNote Beta 2 not compatible with Windows Desktop Search 3.0
Datum: Freitag, 25. August 2006 01:58

Recently (Aug 22) a newer version of Windows Desktop Search 3.0 - Beta
2 -
has become available online. We have heard of issues reported, so I
wanted to
suggest recovery steps.
OneNote 2007 Beta 2 build is not compatible with Windows Desktop
Search 3.0
Beta 2. If you have OneNote 2007 Beta 2 and already installed WDS 3.0
Beta 2,
you have three options:
- You can wait for OneNote 2007 Beta 2 Technical refresh (coming very
which will work with the newer WDS.
- You can uninstall WDS and move back to WDS Beta Preview build
- Or you can uninstall WDS altogether, which means slower search. To
the OneNote prompt to download WDS, set these registry keys:
= 0
= 0

Hope this helps,
Olya (OneNote team)

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