Is there a way to stop fractions from being simplified?


John Wilkins

I would like to know if there is a way that I can stop Excel from simplifying
fractions. For example...

I'd like the fraction to remain 5/15. Excel simplifies this to 1/3.

Thank you for any help.

John Wilkins

Bernard Liengme

Only when you want to fix the denominator as in custom format: # ??/15
best wishes

John Wilkins

Thank you. That is exactly what I would like to do. I'm gone to custom
format and see what you are talking about but I'm not sure how to make it
work. I want to find the sum of a row of numbers and then express that as a
fraction... I'm working with grades for teachers.

Thanks again for the help you've already given, it is appreciated. If you
can help out again that would be great. Thanks, John

Roger Govier

Hi John

In addition to the solution posted by Bernard, you could perhaps achieve
what you want as follows.
Assuming the row with your data runs from A1 through O1, and there are "x's"
in some of the cells and that is what you wish to count.
In cell P1
=COUNTIF(A1:O1,"=X") &"/15"
If you wanted to make the item being counted, you could put it in a separate
cell, like Q1, then the formula would be

=COUNTIF(A1:O1,"="&Q1) &"/15"

Or maybe I am totally misunderstanding you.


Roger Govier

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