Is there a way to sum monthly or weekly reports into one report



I would like to do monthly or weekly reports but have the data enter into a
yearly summary excell itemized reoprt. Is there a way to do this.


I'll assume you have a date in column A of your report. I would add two
additional columns to your worksheet. The 1st beeing the weeknum. Add the
formula =WeekNum(A1) to the 1st new column and copy down the column. In the
2nd new column add the formula =Month(A1) and copy down the column. Then you
can add a autofilter to the two new columns (Data - filter - Autofilter).
You can then filter your speadsheet on either month or week num to get the
data. You can copy the worksheet to a new worksheet after applying a filter.


Thanks Joel, but what I'd like to do is to take an exisiting 2 page expense
report and create a one page summary report and be able to add tabs in
between. Probably more work than I really want to do.

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