Is there an addin for displaying correlation matrices as contour p


Mike Middleton

Chrissy Wissy -

It's better to ask your question in the message body, not just in the
subject (which was truncated by my news reader).

Please provide more information or an example of what you want.

Excel's Correlation tool (part of the Analysis ToolPak) produces a "matrix,"
i.e., a two-way table, of all pairwise correlations for multiple variables.

Excel's 3-D Surface, Wireframe 3-D Surface, Contour, and Wireframe Contour
chart types produce something like a contour plot.

But I've never heard of combining these two features. What do you have in

- Mike

Chrissy Wissy

Hi Mike
what I want to essentially view is a contour plot showing the "intensity" (r
= 0 - 1) of the correlations between each variable for all combinations. This
is primarily because I have complex data and such a realisation would greatly
enhance my interpretation. For example, the "diagonal" in the contour plot
would show a maximum intensity of 1 for each combination of x1/x1, x2/x2,
etc. It would also be quite straightforward to place the mirror image of the
matrix data above the triangular matrix should that be required by the

Many thanks