Is there an easy way to do IEEE style reference



Is there an easy way to do IEEE style references in Word? If you're not
familiar with it, you put a number in square brackets [x] next to the
citation and have a list of references at the end of the document arranged by
first appearance.

So, it's basically like endnotes, but not superscript, and in square
brackets. Is there a way to make Word automatically put square brackets
around endnote numbers?

Jean-Guy Marcil

SSK was telling us:
SSK nous racontait que :
Is there an easy way to do IEEE style references in Word? If you're
not familiar with it, you put a number in square brackets [x] next to
the citation and have a list of references at the end of the document
arranged by first appearance.

So, it's basically like endnotes, but not superscript, and in square
brackets. Is there a way to make Word automatically put square
brackets around endnote numbers?

I think you need a macro. Try this:

Sub InsertFootnote()

Dim LocCursor As Range
Dim LocCursor1 As Range

Set LocCursor = Selection.Range

With ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=ActiveDocument.Content.Start, End:= _
With .EndnoteOptions
.Location = wdEndOfDocument
.NumberingRule = wdRestartContinuous
.StartingNumber = 1
.NumberStyle = wdNoteNumberStyleArabic
End With
.Endnotes.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Reference:=""
End With

With Selection
.HomeKey wdLine
.MoveRight wdSentence, 1, wdExtend
.Font.Superscript = False
.HomeKey wdLine
.TypeText "["
.MoveRight wdCharacter, 1
.TypeText "]"
.EndKey wdLine
End With

With LocCursor
.InsertBefore "["
.SetRange LocCursor.Start, LocCursor.End + 1
.InsertAfter "]"
.Font.Superscript = True
.SetRange LocCursor.End, LocCursor.End
End With

Set LocCursor1 = LocCursor.Duplicate
LocCursor1.SetRange LocCursor1.End, LocCursor1.End + 1

If Not LocCursor1 = " " Then
LocCursor.InsertAfter " "
LocCursor.Font.Superscript = False
End If

End Sub

Make sure you do not change the name of the macro if you want this to happen
If you want to have the option of inserting regular footnote *and* these
special endnotes, change the macro name and call the macro explicitly when
you need an endnote (as is, whenever you do Insert > Reference... >
Footnote, my macro will be automatically called).

for help with installing/using macros from NG.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Tony Jollans

It's pretty difficult to do automatically - I haven't checked out Jean-Guy's
code but it's probably good.

However, you might find it easier to do as a final step before submitting
your document. While you're working create your citations as Endnotes and
when you're done do a Find and Replace: Find ^e (caret, e) and Replace with
[^&] (left bracket, caret, ampersand, right bracket) - format the
replacement as Not Superscript/Subscript - then hit Replace All.

Jean-Guy Marcil

Tony Jollans was telling us:
Tony Jollans nous racontait que :
It's pretty difficult to do automatically - I haven't checked out
Jean-Guy's code but it's probably good.

However, you might find it easier to do as a final step before
submitting your document. While you're working create your citations
as Endnotes and when you're done do a Find and Replace: Find ^e
(caret, e) and Replace with [^&] (left bracket, caret, ampersand,
right bracket) - format the replacement as Not Superscript/Subscript
- then hit Replace All.

Ah, right... I got carried away and forgot to think about other options!

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Tony Jollans

No problem - I do it all the time!

I love code, but all Office programs actually have immense power without it
and I like to harness that if I can - but you can't remember it all, all the
time :)


Jean-Guy Marcil said:
Tony Jollans was telling us:
Tony Jollans nous racontait que :
It's pretty difficult to do automatically - I haven't checked out
Jean-Guy's code but it's probably good.

However, you might find it easier to do as a final step before
submitting your document. While you're working create your citations
as Endnotes and when you're done do a Find and Replace: Find ^e
(caret, e) and Replace with [^&] (left bracket, caret, ampersand,
right bracket) - format the replacement as Not Superscript/Subscript
- then hit Replace All.

Ah, right... I got carried away and forgot to think about other options!

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

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