I want a routine that whenever the user prints the document, it always starts
printing from page 2. I know I can use a line such as:
Application.PrintOut Pages:="2-"
but ... what event can I tie this action to? I do not want to tie it to a
button. I'm looking for something intrinsic in the document ... but I can't
seem to find a suitable event. The ThisDocument events are limited (Open,
New, Close) and Class Events (DocumentBeforePrint, DocumentBeforeClose,
DocumentBeforeSave, DocumentChange, DocumentOpen) don't seem up to the task
Bright ideas?
printing from page 2. I know I can use a line such as:
Application.PrintOut Pages:="2-"
but ... what event can I tie this action to? I do not want to tie it to a
button. I'm looking for something intrinsic in the document ... but I can't
seem to find a suitable event. The ThisDocument events are limited (Open,
New, Close) and Class Events (DocumentBeforePrint, DocumentBeforeClose,
DocumentBeforeSave, DocumentChange, DocumentOpen) don't seem up to the task
Bright ideas?