is there any way i can view maps (say of the U.S) in excel?


Gord Dibben

Which version of Excel and what application to insert the map?

MS Map not available with versions 2002 and 2003.

MS Map Point is now the application used.

Costs about $250.00 US.

An alternate is to use MapInfo product(which was the Excel 97 and 2000

Very costly at minimum $595.00 US just for upgrade.

But............found this tidbit on the net thanks to Debra Dalgleish.

Mystery of the Missing Map Tool: If you believe Microsoft, the Excel Map tool
is permanently out of action in Office XP; it's been replaced by the $249
mapping and data analysis package MapPoint 2002. Microsoft assures you that
you can still open and view Excel 97 and 2000 files that contain maps in Excel
2002, but you can't alter them or create new ones.

Well, I don't always believe what Microsoft tells me. In fact, I've got the
Map tool working pretty well from inside Excel 2002. To be sure, my PC still
has Excel 2000 installed as well, but this trick might be worth a try even if
you don't, as long as you still have your Office 2000 CD-ROM and don't fancy
shelling out the cash for MapPoint: Using Excel 2002, open an Excel 2000 file
with a map in it and double-click the map. If you're prompted to, place your
Office 2000 disc in the drive so it installs the Map tool; the application
will then load and you can alter the map from within XP.

You can also create new maps in Excel 2002 using Insert / Object / the Create
New tab / Microsoft Map and clicking OK. Choose the country, then, when the
map is created, choose Insert / Data to select the data for the map. It isn't
as easy as it used to be, but it does work.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Wed, 9 May 2007 15:33:00 -0700, matt <[email protected]> wrote:

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