Is there only a 2003 version?



What’s up with a 2005 version of OneNote. Is MS planning on having future
versions...when. They need to advertise it more too. I "love" it and I talked
to several other friends that I know would use it and they never heard of it

Chris H.

Why would Microsoft advertise a product that doesn't exist? If you've read
this newsgroup, you'll see Microsoft definitely has said there would be
future versions. If you haven't seen the demo, this is well worth the 45
and Chris Pratley of the Microsoft OneNote Team furnishes a lot of
information in his blog: (this is the June
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

John Waller

I think the OP is referring to Microsoft advertising the current version of
OneNote a little more.

I, too, think ON is one of Microsoft's lesser known products, partly because
it's still quite new and partly because MS haven't really pushed it hard
enough or explained it clearly enough to the market yet.

I'm still not clear on why it's not bundled with all versions of the Office
suite but remains a separate purchase,.

I only found it by chance after several weeks of research and looking at
many competing products first.


I meant that its half past the year 2005 and ver. 2003 is a bit back. (So I’m
anxious) I’ve been really into ON (about 40 + hours). I just got the demo
last week and there is just a few things that I really would like added to
the next, which by reading the Discussions, blogs and a gut feeling I think
they just might have it in the next.

Also I would like them to get the rest of the world into it. If they would
advertise it a little bit more. I feel that a lot more people would buy ON.
Then it’d be easier to work with other people. Yes they should bundle it.
I too only found it by chance after several hours of hard search, learn and
try. Then at the very end (not in love with anything else in the note & list
area) I happened to just fall opon it. Thank God.

Maybe they might put more people down at MS on it to get the next version
out quicker and possibly add in a few more things we all need on it. I say a
few because if it had just a few more things on it would be perfect for
me…well at least for this year. I’m very pleased already with OneNote
compared to what’s out there already.
Thanks: Chris, John, MS and everyone else writing on OneNote!!!

Chris H.

I have a feeling that OneNote is probably on a schedule just like the rest
of the Office products, perhaps a Service Pack in the next six months or
so - without any additional features added - and then a new version around
the same time frame as the Office products to coincide with the Longhorn
operating system release (sometime in 2006).

I don't have any special information, just looking at the history of
applications and when they're released by Microsoft. And, regarding
OneNote, the program has been treated like a step-child of the Office
"family," so I doubt anything will change. You and I know how great the
program is, but I believe Microsoft to be more firmly behind the original
Office "suite" since that's what is prominent in corporate office usage.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

What’s up with a 2005 version of OneNote. Is MS planning on having
versions...when. They need to advertise it more too. I "love" it and I
to several other friends that I know would use it and they never heard
of it

Yes, there will be a future version. It will be released in roughly the
same timeframe with the next version of Office which at the moment is
expected perhaps in late 2006.

Before that time there is expected to be another Service Pack -- however
unlike the last service pack this next one is not expected to add any
significant new features. It's only expected to be bug fixes and
performance/stability issues. No certain timeframe on the service pack,
but I'd expect to see it sometime this fall.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Synapse Syndrome

ssauer said:
What's up with a 2005 version of OneNote. Is MS planning on having future
versions...when. They need to advertise it more too. I "love" it and I
to several other friends that I know would use it and they never heard of

If I remember right OneNote 2003 came out a few months after the main Office
2003 programs.


Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

I discussed why Onenote is separate a little in my blog last year:

Word-of-mouth (as ssauer is doing) is currently the extent of our marketing
budget - or at least it feels that way! Seriously, "advertising" costs a lot
of money. You can't effectively launch a new product and get heard past all
the noise these days without several 10s of millions of $$$. (any idea what
the iPod campaign cost? - something like $1B) We can spend our tiny budget
on other things that produce more sales - like distributing free trials on
CDs at universities, events, etc. I agree that it is hard to get known, so
please, tell your friends and colleagues!

You can expect a bug-fix only Sp2 from us this year (includes stability
fixes based on those crash reports you all send us). Next release is next

FWIW, we released to the market in October 03, same time as Office 2003. We
released Sp1 (sort of version 1.5) in July 2004. So our current version is
just 1 yr old.

Chris Pratley (MS)

OneNote blog:

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