Is there way to enter multiple values into excel cells w/ a form?



I have multiple years of linked excel spreadsheets that contain our cash flow
and projections so I can't change my general excel format but what I need to
learn is:

Is there a way to enter values into some other sort of "form" that will send
it to a certain designated cell. What I do is enter each penny we spend and
it goes into the monthly (column) by the category (row). Also shown is all
our income by the same method, all on the same sheet. What ends up
happening is that I end up having many, many dollar/cent figures all
connected by plus signs in each cell and if anything goes wrong {computer
locks up, ect.} I loose all the other values I have put in earlier for that
month with no way to fix unless I just start over going through every
receipt, etc. I should think I could create some form that would have
dropdowns for each month and category and when I entered the dollars/cents
and hit "enter" that they would then add to that cell. ?

When I start the year, the cell values are calculated by an average of the
past several years based upon our current inventory (another excel) and
thereby create a "cash flow projection" and as I enter each month's dollars,
I change them to actual dollars.

We have very different accounts etc so I can't find any canned programs that
work -- I really need to create this.



It is certainly possible with some creative VBA programming that breaks up your cell formulas as you go. Sounds like quite a mess to
me, wish you would've used Access instead! :) If you want a working solution you'll have to either give some more detail with
examples or send an example file to my e-mail (make sure you type "MSEXCEL" in the subject line and take the "REMOVE" out of the
address). Before doing the latter, make sure your organization doesn't have policy against releasing such information.

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