Is this a use for a PIVOT Table?/


I Am Cdn

I have just started to explore Pivot tables but before I go any farther I
need to check to see if what I am trying to do is in fact a correct use of
Pivot tables.
We have a product price list : Item #, Description, Qty per box, Price per
box and Qty Ordered.
We have 993 different products TODAY but it goes up & down as new stuff
arives / old stuff is sold.

Right now we email or fax a 20 page Word doc to our customers who fill in
the Qty ordered and fax it back to us.

I have copied it to Excel and added a column to calculate Order Cost = Price
Per Box x Qty Ordered.

Out of the 993 items we offer on average an order will have about 50 items.

Can a Pivot Table summaraize just what has been ordered?

if it cannot then I will not go farther in learning Pivot Tables. If yes
then I need to pursue and I will appreciate all tips & pointers

(e-mail address removed)


You can use the pivot table for doing what you want - you might just
need to add a column so you can identify "Ordered" by a unique
identifier - i.e. Date, or "Ordered" - YES or NO, etc. The nice thing
about pivot tables it takes NO extra work on your part once you have
the basic information. It is just a matter of using the columns you
alread have and then deciding how to place them in the PIVOT Table.

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