Is this a well-styled document?



Hi there,

I disigned a document, that I would like to use, but before I start, I
would like you to check my document. There are many things, that I am
not sure about.

Here is the link to download my document. (It has no macros or vba code
of any kind):

I did many things for the first time, that's why it could be wrong. Or
just not ideal.

My doc has 2 (later maybe 3) main sections.

- Lessions
- Appendix

I devided every lesson into a section and the page numbering start with
1-1, 1-2, 2-1, ... (Lesson or chapter) - page of current lesson. And
the same with the appendix: A-1, A-2, B-1, ...

1. Could you check the page numbering?
2. Do I have to use section breaks to accoplish the restart of the page
numbering? I was hoping I chould set it in the style itself. Something
like the "Insert page break before" option in the styles.

I used styleref fields in the header and footer and had a problem with
the automatic numbering:

I used "Lekiton 1: " in the numbering. It seems MS Word accepts ":" as
a nummeric deliminator and copied it with the rest of the number. So
the footer section look like this: "1: 1". And that is ugly. I used a
Japanese ":" and it is better now. The semicolom is ignored. But I have
now a Japanese character inside my German header.

3. Is there anything to change this back to normal ":", and still get
the footer without the semicolom?

There is a little gap between the header and the frame around the page.
The same with the footer.

4. What can I do about that?

I used the following built-in styles:

Header 1
Header 2
Header 3

and some others ..

I created new styles based upon those headers. For example:

Header 1
Header 1 - Lektion (Lesson)
Header 1 - Anhang (Appendix)

5. Is this the way to go?
6. Can I use the default style "Header 1", and then change the style
for the appendix section?

The document map doesn't work, because I am not using the default
"Heading 1". That's what I read somewhere.

If you click Format -> Bullets and Numbering ... -> Outline Numbered
then you will see several version of what I previously made.

7. Why are there not only 2 used? One for lessons, one for the
appendix? Can I delete the onces I don't need? How? They all look
similar and I can't seperate them easily.

If you look at the bulleted tab you will find all the bulleted tabs I
used in heading 3. And it is full.

8. How can I add more? I maybe needing more later on!

There are tables in the doc. and they all look the same. There is a
style for them. But when I apply the style the width of the table and
the left intent is not correct.

9. Can I set those values? How?

10. How are the styles in this document? I don't mean, does it look
good? I mean, are the styles functual and well set? Can I continue with
these styles or should I make some (major) changes before I start

Thanks a lot for reading all this :)
And thanks even more, if you can help me.


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