I have to track purchase orders. I also have to track modifications to the
purchase orders. Each purchase order has a unique number and includes the
date, vendor, description and amount. Each modification has a number which is
the p.o. number plus 1 digit (ex: po# 12-34-1234, mod# 12-34-1234-1). For
each modificaiton I have to track the date, description, and amount.
Is this one table with each p.o. and all the mods or is it two tables with
purchase orders in one table and the modifications in a seperate table?
Thanks for your thoughts on this.
purchase orders. Each purchase order has a unique number and includes the
date, vendor, description and amount. Each modification has a number which is
the p.o. number plus 1 digit (ex: po# 12-34-1234, mod# 12-34-1234-1). For
each modificaiton I have to track the date, description, and amount.
Is this one table with each p.o. and all the mods or is it two tables with
purchase orders in one table and the modifications in a seperate table?
Thanks for your thoughts on this.