Is this possible? with excel



how can i do this??


Now - MSFT $3.45
.. then excel refreshes and brings in $3.46

I would like it to show $3.46 Current data
$3.45 <last data
ETC <older data
ETC <4 mins ago data

all the way down the screen during the day

Is this possible??

Tom Ogilvy

What do you mean by refreshes. How is it getting the data? (formula,
macro, what?)

Don Guillett

1st. You need to learn to use meaningful subject lines. Many won't even
bother to look.
2nd . Even Tom doesn't read minds so tell us what you are talking about.
you are using the
Stock Quotes Provided by MSN Money

and you have it set to auto refresh every ?? minutes then right click on the
sheet tab>view code>insert this>save workbook
It assumes that the msft quote is in cell d4 on the sheet of the query and
that you want the quotes in col A of sheet 1.
Modify to suit.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("a" & x) = Range("d4")
End Sub

I can custom design something for you.


you know exactly what im talking about ( although the writeup you posted
didnt work for me)

Really .. i want to see institutions who bought in through out the
but to simplify it on here I just said i needed a stock ticker in

that once posts say $3.45

a minute later it will say if the stick went up.. $3.46

and just below that would be the old stock price ( $3.45 )

and it just keeps going.. so by the end of the trading day the original
$3.45 would/could be down at cell 1000 say.. and all the stock prices
in minute intervals would be posted on one big list.



I'll simplify it..

I want a quote to come from the net into say cell "D4"
The next time it refreshes, I want that current quote "snapshoted"
and placed directly underneath into "D5".
and cell "D4" becomes the new current quote just brought in from the

and for the day it'll do this every minute.

buy the end of the day I should have a list that looks like below.

etc all the way down.

Totally apprieciating the help! thanks. Im moving along in excel
termendously now.

This site is well worth the "click", meaning I cant believe its free.


It works great! everything I wanted it for works..

cept.... I have to keep hitting a key for it to update the next line..

what command would I add to make it auto ( instead of hitting a key)

I have it set every 1 min refresh but i have to sit around each minute
and press space or any key for it to come up on sheet 1


Steve Smallman

have a look at VBA help for the Ontime method, using the now+timevalue



here... this is probably SO not right ... but hey it works..

tell me what i could use to not have to hit space bar.

open a new workbook..
fill sheet2 with numbers all over it.
put this in the vba or mvb. ( its at bottom of post)

and go back to sheet 2 find any blank area click it and press spacebar.

can I eliminate pressing the spacebar??

and have an auto update every 1 min.

pressing the space bar ...its ghetto like. ( but so is my script i
guess lol)

heres my ghetto script, remember I am 3 days new at vba or mvb.


Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("a" & x) = Range("a1")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("b" & x) = Range("b2")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("c65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("c" & x) = Range("c2")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("d65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("d" & x) = Range("c4")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("e65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("e" & x) = Range("c5")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("f65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("f" & x) = Range("c6")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("g65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("g" & x) = Range("c7")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("h65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("h" & x) = Range("c8")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("i65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("i" & x) = Range("c9")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("j65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("j" & x) = Range("c10")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("k65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("k" & x) = Range("c11")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("l65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("l" & x) = Range("c12")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("m65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("m" & x) = Range("c13")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("n65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("n" & x) = Range("c14")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("o65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("o" & x) = Range("c15")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("p65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("p" & x) = Range("c16")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("q65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("q" & x) = Range("c17")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("r65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("r" & x) = Range("c18")

x = Sheets("sheet1").Range("s65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
Sheets("sheet1").Range("s" & x) = Range("c19")

End Sub


May be something like this?

Sub enterData()
Dim r As Range
Set r = [A1].CurrentRegion
r.Cells(1) = InputBox("Please enter next value:", "Data entry")
r.Copy [A2]
Set r = [A1].CurrentRegion
Loop Until [A1] = -1
End Sub

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