You'll need a column for the number of square feet (assume column Number1)
You'll need a column for the calculation (assume column Number2)
Let's assume that your formula is 300 square feet per day.
In the Number1 column you'd enter values such as 500, 600, 700, etc.
The formula in Number2 would be: [Number1]/300
Unfortunately, you need to move that value into the Duration field.
Fortunately there is a way.
1. Click on the column header for the Number2 field.
2. Press ctrl+C
3. RightMouseButton on the column header for the Duration field and click
on Paste Special
4. Click on the pastelink radio button.
5. Click on OK.
You have now dynamically linked the calculation to the duration. If you
change the value in Number1, the formula in Number2 will create a new
value and the dynamic link will update the Duration.
If you only want to do this for a few tasks then change step1 to click on
a specific Number2 cell and change step 3 to click on a specific Duration
I have to do calculations using square foot for each task.
I have the estimated time it takes to perform each task,
so, is it possible to make it so that project can add in
an extra column to tell me how long a project should take
to perform (based on sqaure foot) each task and the cost?