Is this possible?


James Martin

I have an area chart showing volume produce by a machine over time.
What I'd like is a visual indicator to show when the operator of the
machine changes. In my spreadsheet I would have three columns. Time,
volume, operator.

I was thinking perhaps the changing the border colour or fill colour of
the area chart when operators change, but is that even possible?

Any recomendations on a good way to show this?

Bernard Liengme

Why not set the data out like this
days Op A Op B
mon 4
tue 4
wed 5
thu 5
fri 7
sat 7
sun 5

Using three (or more) columns.
best wishes

Bernard Liengme

This did not travel well!
I wanted to show
days Op A Op B
mon 4
tue 4
wed 5
thu - 5
fri - 7
sat - 7
sun - 5

Jon Peltier

Bernard -

I use text only, and compose in Courier font, using spaces and not tabs, and usually
it comes out pretty well. Also, I don't use Outlook Express.
days Op A Op B
mon 4
tue 4
wed 5
thu - 5
fri - 7
sat - 7
sun - 5

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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