Is this the best design structure



I work for a Mechanical Contractor and I have created a database that holds
information on all the projects that we bid.

The 2 tables in question are:


Job Number (autonumber)
Job Name
Date Entered
Contract Type ID
Department ID
Bid Date
Estimator ID
Owner ID

Bid Results

Competitor ID
Base Bid
Alternate 1
Alternate 2
Alternate 3
Alternate 4

There would be multiple bids for each project. I would like to use a form
to enter the bid results. Is there any way to enter multiple records on the
same form so I wouldn't have to open the form to enter each bid result? Is
there an easier way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Jeff Boyce

You posted in a "tablesdbdesign" newsgroup, but are asking both design and
form questions.

Any time you get "repeating fields" (Alt1, Alt2, Alt3 ...) in table
structure, you're using a spreadsheet approach ... neither necessary nor a
good thing in a relational database. Since you are describing that one "bid
result" can have many "alternates", use a one-to-many table structure.

As for the form, you can use a main form/subform construction.


Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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