Birthday Bummer
My grandson turned 1 this week. I quickly compressed about 50 photos for
email to my mother and brother. Obviously I did something I have never done
before because now the photos remain that terribly small size and when anyone
tries to enlarge them, they cannot without total distortion and blur. At
work, I compress photos often and send to other departments. I have not had
this problem before.
1. Does anyone know of a way to undo the compression of these photos so that
they might be printed or even enjoyed by the eye without a magnifying glass?
2. Do you know whay I may have done so differently to cause this?
Thank you for your time and input.
email to my mother and brother. Obviously I did something I have never done
before because now the photos remain that terribly small size and when anyone
tries to enlarge them, they cannot without total distortion and blur. At
work, I compress photos often and send to other departments. I have not had
this problem before.
1. Does anyone know of a way to undo the compression of these photos so that
they might be printed or even enjoyed by the eye without a magnifying glass?
2. Do you know whay I may have done so differently to cause this?
Thank you for your time and input.