is UPDATE or DELETE QUERY able to touch another database?



Is it possible to UPDATE or DELETE any record which is located on
another database table, by using update and delete query?
I can manipulate a table on another database by using APPEND and MAKE
TABLE query.
Thank you for any help.

Douglas J. Steele

UPDATE [;DATABASE=E:\Folder\File.mdb].TableName
SET Field2 = 4
WHERE Field1 = 2

DELETE FROM [;DATABASE=E:\Folder\File.mdb].TableName
WHERE Field1 = 3

Of course, you can also just link to the table.


Hello Doug,
Thanks for your explanaiton.
I tried all combinations below but i failed. Could you please clarify.
I can not fix Syntax problem.

UPDATE [;\\mer_rus_1\financedata$
UPDATE [;' \\mer_rus_1\financedata$
UPDATE ' ;\\mer_rus_1\financedata$
UPDATE ";\\mer_rus_1\financedata$
UPDATE [' \\mer_rus_1\financedata$
UPDATE ' \\mer_rus_1\financedata$
UPDATE "\\mer_rus_1\financedata$

Douglas J. Steele

You're mssing the DATABASE= part of the address:



It is working excellent now!
I tried before with DATABASE part and failed. But i understood that
SET and WHERE parts of my SQL code was wrong.
Thank you Douglas

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