ISBLANK Formula Help Request

  • Thread starter John C. Harris, MPA
  • Start date

John C. Harris, MPA

I hope that I can explain this correcty. Please bear with me.

I have most of this worksheet figured out, but the last formula is proving a
problem. Hopefully someone here can point me in the right direction.

For FCAT and Stanine Scores.

In the first column we have a percentage field that scores the studuent on a
pre-test (i.e.68.8%).

The next field field converts the percentage to an FCAT equivalent (i.e. 2)
The next field converts the 2 to a stanine equivalent (i.e. 3)

In the last field I have an IF statement that looks at the original
converted number and compares it to what the student received ont he actual
FCAT and Stanine. If the FCAT is higher that the converted number, it enters
"Improved", If Not the it enters "No". This is working fine.

The problem is that I need the IF statement to first look at the FCAT field
to see if it is blank. If it is blank, then I need it to look at the Stanine
field and run the corresponding formula for that. Usually they do not have

So, In english:

If the FCAT score is blank, compare the Stanine score to the converted
Stanine score. If it is not blank, then compare the FCAT score to the
Converted FCAT score.

The current formula is: =IF(E4=>C4,"Improved","No")
I need to add the ISBLANK statement in front first so that
IF E4 ISBLANK, then run =IF(G4=>D4, "Improved","No") else =IF


Aladin Akyurek

John C. Harris, MPA wrote:
So, In english:

If the FCAT score is blank, compare the Stanine score to the converted
Stanine score. If it is not blank, then compare the FCAT score to the
Converted FCAT score.

The current formula is: =IF(E4=>C4,"Improved","No")
I need to add the ISBLANK statement in front first so that
IF E4 ISBLANK, then run =IF(G4=>D4, "Improved","No") else =IF

=IF(ISBLANK(E4),IF(G4>=D4, "Improved","No"),IF(E4>=C4,"Improved","No"))

John C. Harris, MPA

This one worked:

=IF(ISBLANK(E4),IF(G4>=D4, "Improved","No"),IF(E4>=C4,"Improved","No"))

I was forgetting the beginning IF statement. In the help file it starts it
with =ISBLANK. Everything else I had correct. Thanks for the time and

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