Please can someone help me, I think I may go mad with this one:
Do While Not IsNull(CDate(FormatDateTime(rst!F1.Value, vbShortDate)))
If IsNull(CDate(FormatDateTime(rst!F1.Value, vbShortDate)))
MsgBox "this is not actually possible"
End If
For some reason I end up in this loop and get the message "this is not
actually possible" popping up....without this check I end up in an
endless loop.
What I'm trying to do is suck in a load of data from excel and then, if
the date is not null, add the row to a table in the database, what I
can't work out is how to just check whether the date is not null, as
you can see above something is going wonderfully wrong.
I've tried feeding it into a local variable but still hit the same
Do While Not IsNull(CDate(FormatDateTime(rst!F1.Value, vbShortDate)))
If IsNull(CDate(FormatDateTime(rst!F1.Value, vbShortDate)))
MsgBox "this is not actually possible"
End If
For some reason I end up in this loop and get the message "this is not
actually possible" popping up....without this check I end up in an
endless loop.
What I'm trying to do is suck in a load of data from excel and then, if
the date is not null, add the row to a table in the database, what I
can't work out is how to just check whether the date is not null, as
you can see above something is going wonderfully wrong.
I've tried feeding it into a local variable but still hit the same