Isoloating particular senario from pivot table




Here's the overview of what I am trying to do. I have a spreadsheet with 7k+
order request that have been placed in our system. Each record has the
request information:
order #;
request date;
requestor (name);
associated account #(number);
and request type(text a, b, c, d).
Each account has multiple requests, different requestors, and possible
different request types. I am trying to isolate the accounts that had both
type request a and c.

My first step was to do a pivot table. Here's my layout:
Row=Account #
Column=Request type
Data=Count of Order
This works well for letting me see how many orders were placed under each
request type for each plan. It also lets me drill down to the 3 orders of
type a, and 5 of type c, or the total 8 of all types on my original data. I
don't want to loose this capability because of the story it tells for each
account and the people involved.

However, the pivot table still has 3k+ accounts with order made this year.
My second step was a nested IF statement, but I can't figure out how to get
it looking to each row, instead of the GETPIVOTDATA $A$3.

Is there a way I can isolate my view to just the accounts with orders placed
for both types a and c (i.e. if they did either or, I don't need to see it;
just both)?

Any advice or assistance would be appreciated greatly.



You've showed us what you have, but not how its laid out:

order date name acct type
1 11/11/2008 shane 21 a
2 11/11/2008 bill 31 b
3 11/11/2008 shane 21 c


acct order date name type
21 1 11/11/2008 shane a
21 1 11/11/2008 shane b
21 1 11/11/2008 shane c
21 1 11/11/2008 shane d
21 3 1/1/2008 shane c
21 3 1/1/2008 mary a
31 2 11/11/2008 bill b
31 2 11/11/2008 bill c
31 2 11/11/2008 bill d

or something completely different? This is the raw data area I'm talking


Here's an example:
Acct Type Requestor Request Date Order#
1 A Shane 1/1/08 12345
1 B Shane 2/1/08 12346
1 B Shane 4/1/08 12346
1 C Shane 7/1/08 12347
2 A Shane 1/1/08 12348
2 B Claire 8/1/08 12349
2 A Claire 9/1/08 12350

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