isometric drawings on Visio 30,60,150 degree angles.


Gilbert Gonzales

I have read the help ins on how to set the angles, but they end up being 45
degree angles.

Gilbert Gonzales

Well, I ensure the correct angles are in the "snap and glue" folder. I then
go to a blank page, and select to draw a line.. then when the dotted grey
lines appear I use that guide.. I then select the pointer to point to that
line and verify the angle in the tool bar, it shows as being a 45degree
angle... I have Visio 07

John Goldsmith_Visio_MVP

Hello Gilbert,

Here's a few things to check:

1) Is the 'Isometric angle lines' item checked in the 'Shape extension
options' listbox (under Tools / Snap and Glue... / Advanced)?

2) Does unchecking the 'Snap to' Ruler subdivisions and Grid checkboxes
(General tab) help?

3) If the above is true, also have a play with the Snap strength sliders
(Advanced tab). In particular, the Extensions value.

Let me know how you get on.

Best regards


John Goldsmith (Visio MVP)


Hi Gilbert --

I believe the way that Visio does isometric lines is the issue here. The
isometric "feature" is more or less an "extension" from an existing shape.
So, if you try to draw a random line at 30 deg, you will only see the 45deg

It gets a little worse. Seems that this "feature" only works well with
shapes, like squares & rectangles. If there is a a simple horizontal or
vertical line, you may or may not get the isometric angle guides. "Flaky" at
best is how I might describe the behavior of the isometric line feature.



Update and correction. I was, at least, able to get the iso angle guides to
show from a single line segment. The process I used was: draw a line.
Deselect it. Start a second line on a line end, keeping the mouse pointer
very close to the end point. As you move the pointer about, the guidelines
will appear. The trick seems to be keeping the pointer virtually on top of
the starting point.



PS: You don't need to deselect the line 1st.

WapperDude said:
Update and correction. I was, at least, able to get the iso angle guides to
show from a single line segment. The process I used was: draw a line.
Deselect it. Start a second line on a line end, keeping the mouse pointer
very close to the end point. As you move the pointer about, the guidelines
will appear. The trick seems to be keeping the pointer virtually on top of
the starting point.


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