ISP does not have DSN capability



I've developed a simple database webpage, but the isp says they don't
support dsn.

Now I don't know how to write the database connection.

My Global.asa is set up as follows:

'--Project Data Connection
Application("Hubbell_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver
FrontPage_UrlVars(0) = "Hubbell_ConnectionString"
Application("Hubbell_ConnectionTimeout") = 15
Application("Hubbell_CommandTimeout") = 30
Application("Hubbell_CursorLocation") = 3
Application("Hubbell_RuntimeUserName") = ""
Application("Hubbell_RuntimePassword") = ""

The Webpage database connection is currently set as:


set rsShows = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsShows.ActiveConnection = "dsn=hubbell;"
rsShows.Source = "SELECT * FROM tblShow ORDER BY ShowName ASC"
rsShows.CursorType = 0
rsShows.CursorLocation = 2
rsShows.LockType = 3
rsShows_numRows = 0

Dim cRepeat1__numRows
Dim cRepeat1__index

cRepeat1__numRows = -1
cRepeat1__index = 0
rsShows_numRows = rsShows_numRows + cRepeat1__numRows

How can I change it so it doesn't need a dsn?


Tom Pepper Willett

What *do* they support?
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| I've developed a simple database webpage, but the isp says they don't
| support dsn.
| Now I don't know how to write the database connection.
| My Global.asa is set up as follows:
| '--Project Data Connection
| Application("Hubbell_ConnectionString") = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access
| (*.mdb)};DBQ=URL=fpdb/HubbellWeb_Data.mdb"
| FrontPage_UrlVars(0) = "Hubbell_ConnectionString"
| Application("Hubbell_ConnectionTimeout") = 15
| Application("Hubbell_CommandTimeout") = 30
| Application("Hubbell_CursorLocation") = 3
| Application("Hubbell_RuntimeUserName") = ""
| Application("Hubbell_RuntimePassword") = ""
| The Webpage database connection is currently set as:
| <%
| set rsShows = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
| rsShows.ActiveConnection = "dsn=hubbell;"
| rsShows.Source = "SELECT * FROM tblShow ORDER BY ShowName ASC"
| rsShows.CursorType = 0
| rsShows.CursorLocation = 2
| rsShows.LockType = 3
| rsShows.Open()
| rsShows_numRows = 0
| %>
| <%
| Dim cRepeat1__numRows
| Dim cRepeat1__index
| cRepeat1__numRows = -1
| cRepeat1__index = 0
| rsShows_numRows = rsShows_numRows + cRepeat1__numRows
| %>
| How can I change it so it doesn't need a dsn?
| Thanks.


I really don't know. I'm very new at this...not even sure what to ask.

They suggested I use the ASP MapPath to handle a dsn but I wasn't sure what
to do with it.

They are NOT friendly to Frontpage ... I think they are MS snobs, thinking
FP is child's play.

Is there a dsn independent way to make a database connection in asp?

Or what do I need to find out?


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