Issue in conditional formatting



I have a textbox (textbox1) on a continuous form with conditional formatting.

There are just two conditions:

Condition1 sets textbox1 font color to blue when it gets the focus.
Condition2 sets textbox1 font color to red when other control (textbox2) in
this form reads true –textbox2 can read "true" or "false".

Condition1 works great all the time. However, condition2 does not work
unless I take out condition1. When textbox1 gets the focus and textbox2 reads
“trueâ€, textbox1 font color sets itself to blue –correct behavior. However,
when textbox1 does not have the focus and textbox2 reads “falseâ€, textbox1
font color sets itself to blue. This is not the intended behavior since
textbox1 font color should be red. As previously stated, condition2 works if
I delete condition1.

What am I missing here?

Thanks in advance

David H

I would use the control's onGotFocus and onLostFocus events to alter the
color of the controls. Otherwise, please post the expressions that you're

Linq Adams via

You can't do that in a Continuous (or Datasheet) view form, David.
Formatting code placed there or elsewhere in code will change the background
colors of ***all*** instances of Textbox1, i.e. on all Textbox1s on all
records. It has to be done thru Conditional Formatting.

Can you post the exact condition statements you're using, Jess?

Linq Adams via

It's all in the details! ;0)>

I can't remember that last time someone wanted to do conditional formatting

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