So, if you're comparing the issues you see in a >SharePoint site that is
based on the Project >workspace template, with the issues you see displayed
in Project Server, you're looking at >the same animal.
In a standard WSS installation you don't get the Project Workspace template
as one of the templates you can choose from when creating a site.
So it would be impossible to have this same (Project Server template)
functionality available in WSS without the presence of Project Server 2003.
I've seen the Project Server template listed in a WSS template list in a SPS
2003 installation but as this is run via a third-party hosting service I
have no idea whether it is there only because that hosting service also
hosts Project Server 2003. In any case the description for the Project
Server template there clearly states that it is for use with Project Server
2003 so the question is moot.