Issue with DDL Script Generation



Hi All,

In DDL Script generation process Visio hard code the database name in
the script. Following lines are almost identical to probably every MS
SQL database with one exception that is the name of the database.

/* Create bag database.
use master


create database "XXX"


use "XXX"


Could i instruct Visio to stop generating following lines of code from
the script?

This is a serious build issue that I am facing as the project that we
are currently working on is database name independent. Users are
allowed to create whatever database name they want during installation
phase and later a number of scripts are executed to generate/update the

database. Hardcoded database name in the script is creating problems
for us in continous integration and installation phases.

The current work arround that we are using is that each individual who
like to modify the ERD Model must edit the ddl manually and comment out

the said lines.

Thanks and Regards,

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