I have created a rolling 12 month graph which looks at the data on a table
and determines which is the most up to date data to use and constantly will
update itself with the new month and remove the oldest month when new data is
entered......however, the data that I have is a lookup to another spreadsheet
which I have used a formula to retrieve, problem is that the dynamic chart is
assuming that because there is a formula in the table that it needs to be
charted even when the formula returns a null value. My excel skills are
average to say the best, so in laymans terms would be helpful
Thanks so much
and determines which is the most up to date data to use and constantly will
update itself with the new month and remove the oldest month when new data is
entered......however, the data that I have is a lookup to another spreadsheet
which I have used a formula to retrieve, problem is that the dynamic chart is
assuming that because there is a formula in the table that it needs to be
charted even when the formula returns a null value. My excel skills are
average to say the best, so in laymans terms would be helpful
Thanks so much