Issues importing templates from 3rd party sites



I'm running 2003 and have tried to import some HTML templates from some 3rd
party websites, and although they look fine when i check them with IE, the
formatting goes wrong in Publisher (including when i use the option to check
the what it would look like when i publish). The basic issue is that the
imported page seems too wide for Publisher, even when i have changed the page
size to much wider.

Any suggestions?


Pub 2003 using a HTML coding engine that is unique to Publisher, and even
trying to import Publisher HTML code into FrontPage doesn't work well. I
would suggest that perhaps you capture the design elements in the 3rd party
templates, the images, etc. and insert them into a Publisher page. If the
third party template has some code that you like, then perhaps use the
"insert html code fragment" feature, but in general, I think you will just
have to rebuild the template in Publisher.

With that said, did you save the publication as a Pub 2003 web document
before you tried the web page preview? Did you run the Design Checker under
tools to see if that perhaps offers you some insight into what is going


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