Issues in access




see i have two tables

TestTable has - doortrimpanelID,field1,field2.....
VehicleTable has -

now my form has

Combobox OEM which has entries populated from the vehicle table...
Combobox VehicleModel ''
Combobox Modelyear ''

i have a command button search and a check box "ALL"
and a texbox to display the result.

I was writing the code to display all the fields of the testtable when
a particular oem ,model,year is selected and the checkbox is

When i execute the code it says syntax error in from clause...i dont
understand what to do...

Private Sub Command6_Click()

Dim strValueList$
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strTemp As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer
i = 0

If Check11.Value = -1 Then

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM VehicleTable INNER JOIN TestTable" & _
"ON TestTable.DoorTrimPanelID =
VehicleTable.DoorTrimPanelID" & _
"WHERE TestTable.OEM = " & Me.Combo0 & "" & _
"AND TestTable.VehicleModel = " & Me.Combo2 & "" & _
"AND TestTable.ModelYear = " & Me.Combo4 & ""

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

If Not rs.EOF Then

Do Until rs.EOF

i = 0

count = rs.Fields.count - 1

For i = 0 To count

strTemp = strTemp & rs.Fields(i).Name & ": " & rs.Fields(i) & "

Next i

MsgBox "No Records"
End If

End If
Text143.Value = strTemp

End Sub

Douglas J Steele

You're missing some spaces. Look closely at how you're concatenating the
string: you're going to end up with

SELECT * FROM VehicleTable INNER JOIN TestTableON TestTable.DoorTrimPanelID
= VehicleTable.DoorTrimPanelIDWHERE etc.


strSQL = "SELECT * FROM VehicleTable INNER JOIN TestTable " & _
"ON TestTable.DoorTrimPanelID = VehicleTable.DoorTrimPanelID " & _
"WHERE TestTable.OEM = '" & Me.Combo0 & "' " _
"AND TestTable.VehicleModel = '" & Me.Combo2 & "' " & _
"AND TestTable.ModelYear = '" & Me.Combo4 & "'"

Note that this assumes that all three of OEM, VehicleModel and ModelYear are
text fields. Note, too, that I changed your quotes in the WHERE clause.
Exagerating for clarity, that's:

"WHERE TestTable.OEM = ' " & Me.Combo0 & " ' " _
"AND TestTable.VehicleModel = ' " & Me.Combo2 & " ' " & _
"AND TestTable.ModelYear = ' " & Me.Combo4 & " ' "
If any of the three fields are numeric, rather than text, remove the single
quotes on either side of the reference to the combo box.


Bindu, please do not post the same question twice!

I've just helped you in the other thread. So now, either I - or Douglas
- or both of us - have wasted our time by answering your question

TC (MVP Access)

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