Issues when converting Word Docs containing Visio diagrams to PDF



I have a bunch of word documents that I would like to convert to a PDF.
However, when I do so the the text inside Visio images is missing, or shifted
and enlarged outside of the picture area. I've read the help article 892955,
which describes setting the resolution to 600dpi. This has sometimes worked
in the past, but recently isn't fixing them anymore. I haven't converted for
a while and I'm sure I've updated my word/visio/adobe since I last had it
working. Here is my version information:
Microsoft Word 2002 (10.6802.6753) SP3
Microsoft Office Visio Standard 2003 (11.8161.8172) SP3
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Standard 7.0.9

Everyone else I know who has the full version of adobe has version 6 and
haven't run into the same problem. I've made sure to copy there settings for
the PDF converions options. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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