Issues when Opening Access 2000 database in Access 2007


David H.

I wonder if there is a place where I can find hints about reasons a database
built for AC2000 might behave differently when opened in Access 2007, and how
to troubleshoot them. Here are a few of the issues I have seen (not counting
the obvious "trust" issue):
1. A line of code in a Private Sub Form_Open procedure:
If (Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount > 0) Then Me.cmb_Group.ListIndex = 0
works fine in Access 2000, but generates an Error 7777 (improper use of
ListIndex property) in Access 2007.
2. A control on a form which does a rather complex IIf computation (based
on multiple subforms within that form), displays #Error in AC2007.
3. When users preview reports (maximized) in AC2000, they see a X box in
the upper right corner to close the preview. In AC2007, there is no such
box, so users (even me!) click the X which closes the entire application.

If anyone wants to offer helpful hints on any of these specific issues, I'd
be grateful. But we have LOTS of Access 2000 databases, and we will be in a
mixed environment for quite a while, so I'd be even more grateful if someone
can point me to a resource that addresses the full range of surprises that we
may have in store.

David H.

Thanks for the link. Actually, I had already come to terms with the TRUST
issue (although I do wonder why Access doesn't want me to trust applications
that reside on my own network).

It is the other odd behavior that has me puzzled. I have found lots of
useful stuff at
but nothing that has helped me solve these mysteries.

Any other suggestions from anyone?

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