I have set up a macro to grab a cell from Excel and store it in a table. It
is the only value in that table. I now want to set up a macro that takes that
value, and applies it to a filter. I have tried using the ApplyFilter macro,
but have not been able to get it to function. I don't think I've been setting
the "Where condition" properly, this is how I have it set up now:
[assignshipment#]![Shipment #]=[importshipment#]![F1]
assignshipment# is the query, Shipment # is the cloumn, importshipment# is
the table where the value imported from Excel is stored, F1 is the column.
Maybe this isn't possible at all?
is the only value in that table. I now want to set up a macro that takes that
value, and applies it to a filter. I have tried using the ApplyFilter macro,
but have not been able to get it to function. I don't think I've been setting
the "Where condition" properly, this is how I have it set up now:
[assignshipment#]![Shipment #]=[importshipment#]![F1]
assignshipment# is the query, Shipment # is the cloumn, importshipment# is
the table where the value imported from Excel is stored, F1 is the column.
Maybe this isn't possible at all?