Issues with ApplyFilter, using a value imported from Excel.



I have set up a macro to grab a cell from Excel and store it in a table. It
is the only value in that table. I now want to set up a macro that takes that
value, and applies it to a filter. I have tried using the ApplyFilter macro,
but have not been able to get it to function. I don't think I've been setting
the "Where condition" properly, this is how I have it set up now:
[assignshipment#]![Shipment #]=[importshipment#]![F1]
assignshipment# is the query, Shipment # is the cloumn, importshipment# is
the table where the value imported from Excel is stored, F1 is the column.
Maybe this isn't possible at all?

Steve Schapel


First of all, as an aside... it is not a good idea to use a # as part of
the name of a field or control or database object.

It is not clear where this "filter" is supposed to be applied. Is this
supposed to be for the Record Source of a form or report or something?

Anyway, does this help?... You can add the importshipment table to the
assignshipment query, join the F1 field into the existing table on the
ShipmentNo field. This query should then return only those records that
match F1.

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