Issues with concurrent users



I'm a relative novice with Access, but I've designed a database that requires
the ability for multiple users to access concurrently and add records (via an
append query). I've ensured that the directory housing the file has no
restrictions on the users as regards Read/Write/Create/Delete properties, but
as I mentioned earlier, I'm a novice and I'm stumped. The macro that runs
the append query keeps halting whenever another user is has accessed the DB
prior to and while the secondary user(s) try to run the macro.

Jerry Whittle

Show us the SQL. Open the query in design view. Next go to View, SQL View
and copy and past it here. Information on primary keys and relationships
would be a nice touch too.

Using an append query for users to add data is a little different and we
probably need to see what is going on. Also for the table being appended to,
are there any unique indexes or primary key fields?

What does it say when you go to Tools, Options, Advanced tab as far as the
Defualt open mode and Default record locking?

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