Russ \(msnews.microsoft.com\)
I'm trying to use the server-side version of CDOEx to create a finite (has
an "end by" date) recurring all day event.
I'm hitting two issues.
First, the code blows up when I try to set the recurrence pattern end type
to "endbyDate" e.g.,
iRecurPattern.PatternEndDate = CDate("10/25/2007 11:00:00 AM")
iRecurPattern.EndType = cdoEndByDate ' DIES HERE
(i get an Invalid procedure or call argument)
If I set the EndType to "cdoNoEndDate", I hit the second problem,
I get a single instance all day event (not a recurring item).
If I go into outlook 2003, open the item, open the recurrence pattern, then
save the item, it converts into the proper recurring alldayevent. I've used
Outlook spy to compare the "correct" item with the "incorrect" item. The
difference seems to be the mapi field "RecurrenceState". (I can't use
MFCMapi - it crashes on these calendar items.)
Does anyone have any idea how to create a finite recurring alldayevent?
My code is below
Sub test_make_recurbanner()
' Create recurring banners
Dim sURL As String
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim iConfg As CDO.Configuration
Dim oFields As ADODB.Fields
Dim oApp As CDO.Appointment
Dim iRecurPatterns As CDO.IRecurrencePatterns
Dim iRecurPattern As CDO.IRecurrencePattern
sURL = "http://myLab/Exchange/rvi/calendar"
oConn = New ADODB.Connection
oConn.Provider = "exoledb.datasource"
oConn.Open sURL, "", "", 0
If oConn.State = 1 Then
MsgBox "Bad Connection"
End If
Set iConfg = New CDO.Configuration
Set oFields = iConfg.Fields
oFields.Item(CDO.cdoCalendar.cdoTimeZoneIDURN).Value =
oFields.Item(CDO.CdoConfiguration.cdoSendEmailAddress).Value =
(e-mail address removed)
Set oApp = New CDO.Appointment
oApp.Configuration = iConfg
oApp.AllDayEvent = True
oApp.StartTime = CDate("4/5/2007 12:00:00 AM")
oApp.endtime = DateAdd("d", 1, oApp.StartTime) 'Add one day to end
'oApp.Duration = 1440 'Ignore duration for
oApp.Subject = "Test1: Recurring Banner-Every Wed ending 10/25/07"
oApp.TextBody = "Hello..."
' Add recurring appointment
Set iRecurPatterns = oApp.RecurrencePatterns
Set iRecurPattern = iRecurPatterns.Add("Add")
iRecurPattern.Frequency = CDO.CdoFrequency.cdoWeekly
iRecurPattern.Interval = 1 ' every week
iRecurPattern.DaysOfWeek.Add (3) ' every WED
iRecurPattern.PatternEndDate = CDate("10/25/2007 11:00:00 AM")
iRecurPattern.EndType = cdoEndByDate ' DIES HERE
'iRecurPattern.EndType = cdoNoEndDate 'This works - finite end does
' Save to the folder
oApp.DataSource.SaveToContainer sURL, , _
ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite, _
ADODB.RecordCreateOptionsEnum.adCreateNonCollection, _
ADODB.RecordOpenOptionsEnum.adOpenSource, _
"", ""
Set oConn = Nothing
Set iConfig = Nothing
Set oFields = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
Set iRecurPatterns = Nothing
End Sub
I'm trying to use the server-side version of CDOEx to create a finite (has
an "end by" date) recurring all day event.
I'm hitting two issues.
First, the code blows up when I try to set the recurrence pattern end type
to "endbyDate" e.g.,
iRecurPattern.PatternEndDate = CDate("10/25/2007 11:00:00 AM")
iRecurPattern.EndType = cdoEndByDate ' DIES HERE
(i get an Invalid procedure or call argument)
If I set the EndType to "cdoNoEndDate", I hit the second problem,
I get a single instance all day event (not a recurring item).
If I go into outlook 2003, open the item, open the recurrence pattern, then
save the item, it converts into the proper recurring alldayevent. I've used
Outlook spy to compare the "correct" item with the "incorrect" item. The
difference seems to be the mapi field "RecurrenceState". (I can't use
MFCMapi - it crashes on these calendar items.)
Does anyone have any idea how to create a finite recurring alldayevent?
My code is below
Sub test_make_recurbanner()
' Create recurring banners
Dim sURL As String
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim iConfg As CDO.Configuration
Dim oFields As ADODB.Fields
Dim oApp As CDO.Appointment
Dim iRecurPatterns As CDO.IRecurrencePatterns
Dim iRecurPattern As CDO.IRecurrencePattern
sURL = "http://myLab/Exchange/rvi/calendar"
oConn = New ADODB.Connection
oConn.Provider = "exoledb.datasource"
oConn.Open sURL, "", "", 0
If oConn.State = 1 Then
MsgBox "Bad Connection"
End If
Set iConfg = New CDO.Configuration
Set oFields = iConfg.Fields
oFields.Item(CDO.cdoCalendar.cdoTimeZoneIDURN).Value =
oFields.Item(CDO.CdoConfiguration.cdoSendEmailAddress).Value =
(e-mail address removed)
Set oApp = New CDO.Appointment
oApp.Configuration = iConfg
oApp.AllDayEvent = True
oApp.StartTime = CDate("4/5/2007 12:00:00 AM")
oApp.endtime = DateAdd("d", 1, oApp.StartTime) 'Add one day to end
'oApp.Duration = 1440 'Ignore duration for
oApp.Subject = "Test1: Recurring Banner-Every Wed ending 10/25/07"
oApp.TextBody = "Hello..."
' Add recurring appointment
Set iRecurPatterns = oApp.RecurrencePatterns
Set iRecurPattern = iRecurPatterns.Add("Add")
iRecurPattern.Frequency = CDO.CdoFrequency.cdoWeekly
iRecurPattern.Interval = 1 ' every week
iRecurPattern.DaysOfWeek.Add (3) ' every WED
iRecurPattern.PatternEndDate = CDate("10/25/2007 11:00:00 AM")
iRecurPattern.EndType = cdoEndByDate ' DIES HERE
'iRecurPattern.EndType = cdoNoEndDate 'This works - finite end does
' Save to the folder
oApp.DataSource.SaveToContainer sURL, , _
ADODB.ConnectModeEnum.adModeReadWrite, _
ADODB.RecordCreateOptionsEnum.adCreateNonCollection, _
ADODB.RecordOpenOptionsEnum.adOpenSource, _
"", ""
Set oConn = Nothing
Set iConfig = Nothing
Set oFields = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing
Set iRecurPatterns = Nothing
End Sub