Since the July 24th when I installed the latest security
patches and Directx9b I have experienced problems with
launching Word as follows:
1) From the Start/New Office Documents - Word opens with
the template instead of a new document
2) From Outlook 2000 - Word attachments do not open and
result in an error message "system cannot find the
requested file"
I have repaired twice and did a full removal and clean
install twice to no avail! During both the following error
appears: MAPI Repair Tool LoadLibrary: GetLastError=126.
Finally I found an akward workaround based on Microsoft
Knowledge Base Article - 278627. I created a shortcut to
Normal.dot which I open as a hyperlink in IE. While this
is openned everything (Ne wdocs, Outlook attachments) work
just fine.
If this newsgroup is monitored by MS tec support, please
try to rectify this problem. It is really annoying.
patches and Directx9b I have experienced problems with
launching Word as follows:
1) From the Start/New Office Documents - Word opens with
the template instead of a new document
2) From Outlook 2000 - Word attachments do not open and
result in an error message "system cannot find the
requested file"
I have repaired twice and did a full removal and clean
install twice to no avail! During both the following error
appears: MAPI Repair Tool LoadLibrary: GetLastError=126.
Finally I found an akward workaround based on Microsoft
Knowledge Base Article - 278627. I created a shortcut to
Normal.dot which I open as a hyperlink in IE. While this
is openned everything (Ne wdocs, Outlook attachments) work
just fine.
If this newsgroup is monitored by MS tec support, please
try to rectify this problem. It is really annoying.