Issues with side notes in ON 2007


Kurt S

Why is it that when I create a new side note by clicking the icon in the task
bar, that is goes to unfiled catagory and not the side note catagory.

Also, the delete icon in the toolbar will not let me delete sidenotes
created with ON 2007, it only lets me delete converted notes from ON 2003
while in the sidenote window.

Rainald Taesler

Kurt S shared these words of wisdom:
Why is it that when I create a new side note by clicking the
icon in the task bar, that is goes to unfiled catagory and not
the side note catagory.

What do you mean by "side note category"?
Did you creat a notebook with this name or a section in a notebook?

Any side notes and other temporary stuff (like things printed into
OneNote) by default are stored into the special category "Unfiled".
The concept is based on idea to have a premiliminary pile of papers to
be filed in proper notebook later.

But one can change that by spicfying a different loaction (path) in
the "Options" dialog under "Storage ..."i
Also, the delete icon in the toolbar will not let me delete
sidenotes created with ON 2007, it only lets me delete converted
notes from ON 2003 while in the sidenote window.

The "X" icon is not functional for deleting pages throughout. It's
meant for editing only.
Just use the "Cut" (scissors) icon.


Kurt S

"What do you mean by "side note category"?
Did you creat a notebook with this name or a section in a notebook?"

I never created this catagory, it was automaticly created by ON 2003 and
that where it defaulted to in ON 2003. I do undertstand what your response
was though, it's just a behavior change with ON 2007

Rainald Taesler

Kurt S shared these words of wisdom:
Why is it that when I create a new side note by clicking the
icon in the task bar, that is goes to unfiled catagory and not
the side note catagory.

What do you mean by "side note category"?

By default there is a special notebook for holding all kind
preliminary stuff like side-notes, material printed to outlook etc.
This appears in the lower left corner of the left navigation pane.

The concept is that this is container for stuff not yet sorted.
Sorting things and "filing" them in a notebook is the normal way doing
things - just like filing things in pile of paper on the desktop.

Things can be customized, however. In the "Options" dialog under
"Storage" one can assign a path to another location/notebook where the
built-in category "Unfiled" shall be placed
Also, the delete icon in the toolbar will not let me delete
sidenotes created with ON 2007, it only lets me delete converted
notes from ON 2003 while in the sidenote window.

The icon in the toolbar is for *editing* only.
It's not functional for pages (in any notebook, not only "Unfiled".
Right click on the page's tab. This will open a context menu. It holds
the option to delete a page.


Kurt S

Thanks for your help Rainald.

Rainald Taesler said:
Kurt S shared these words of wisdom:

What do you mean by "side note category"?

By default there is a special notebook for holding all kind
preliminary stuff like side-notes, material printed to outlook etc.
This appears in the lower left corner of the left navigation pane.

The concept is that this is container for stuff not yet sorted.
Sorting things and "filing" them in a notebook is the normal way doing
things - just like filing things in pile of paper on the desktop.

Things can be customized, however. In the "Options" dialog under
"Storage" one can assign a path to another location/notebook where the
built-in category "Unfiled" shall be placed

The icon in the toolbar is for *editing* only.
It's not functional for pages (in any notebook, not only "Unfiled".
Right click on the page's tab. This will open a context menu. It holds
the option to delete a page.


Rainald Taesler

Kurt S shared these words of wisdom:
I never created this category, it was automatically created by ON
2003 and that where it defaulted to in ON 2003. I do understand
what your response was though, it's just a behaviour change with
ON 2007

Oh I see. It's just the differences in ON 2007.

P.S. I'm sorry for having asked back again in my reply to your other
My newsreader had not downloaded correctly so that I had need seen
your posting with explaining [siiigh]

Rainald Taesler

srd shared these words of wisdom:
It's a folder in ON 2003. Perhaps the OP is unaware the Side
Note Folder is defunct in ON 2007.

Thanks, Stephen!
I asked back by mistake [grrrrh] (the OP had explained it meanwhile
but had not seen his posting due to newsreader download inefficiency).

Thanks again

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