It says not enough disk room to print picture



I copied numerous pictures, at least 40 on 8 pages, and now when ever I
toggle the field codes a messages pops up and says that "There is not enough
memoery or disk space to print or display this picture." I've tried copying
the pictures to a seperate Word document but it still says the same thing.
Any ideas on how to fix this without losing my pics?


It would help to know what version of Word, a bit about your system config
(RAM, free disk space) as well as exactly what you've actually done - and
why are you "toggling field codes" in order to copy/paste? Did you copy all
40 at one time? I'm afraid your situation really isn't very clear.

If you did in fact *copy* the images they should still be right in the same
location from which they were copied. Ergo, no risk of "losing" them.

Without more detail, though, one can only assume the message means exactly
what it says. Graphics files are often quite large & the copy/cut & paste
process requires sufficient system resources in order to complete the
operation. If you did actually copy (rather than cutting) the images you can
just press Esc to clear the clipboard & start over copying less content at
once. Or you should be able to use Undo to restore to whatever point
necessary. It may also be that you copied _linked_ images or something else
about the content copied that is causing the problem.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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