IT WORKED FOR ME! If Your Office 2003 SP2 installs are failing...


Tom Nielsen

After more than three days, off and on, of trying to get the Office 2003 SP2
to install and searching for install information, I finally got the full
install to work.

I set the drive path (e.g., 'E:\') in the Registry for three of the Office
2003 applications I had installed from CD on the sytem (i.e., Office 2003
Pro, FrontPage 2003, and Access 2003 Developers Edition, but not for Access
2003 Runtime as there was no key for it in the Registry).

I found the instructions for doing this at .

After adding the missing drive path to the keys in the Registry, I rebooted
and ran the full install; this time it ran to completion without any
installation failure message. I have only tested the applications by
launching them. No problems so far. I'll post a reply to this if/when I
discover any.


Bill Sharpe

Tom said:
After more than three days, off and on, of trying to get the Office 2003 SP2
to install and searching for install information, I finally got the full
install to work.

I set the drive path (e.g., 'E:\') in the Registry for three of the Office
2003 applications I had installed from CD on the sytem (i.e., Office 2003
Pro, FrontPage 2003, and Access 2003 Developers Edition, but not for Access
2003 Runtime as there was no key for it in the Registry).

I found the instructions for doing this at .

After adding the missing drive path to the keys in the Registry, I rebooted
and ran the full install; this time it ran to completion without any
installation failure message. I have only tested the applications by
launching them. No problems so far. I'll post a reply to this if/when I
discover any.

The MS KB article refers to SP1, not SP2. Further, the KB itself is
incomplete in that it refers to getting the product code GUID and
changing the installation path in the registry. Yet it only provides
reference to another KB article for getting the GUID and doesn't address
the installation path change.

I'm still confused... Can you provide a bit more detail on how you
changed the drive path information. I also have Visio 2003 and its SP2
update won't install either.


Tom Nielsen

Bill Sharpe said:
I'm still confused... Can you provide a bit more detail on how you
changed the drive path information. I also have Visio 2003 and its SP2
update won't install either.



Yes, it does refer to SP1, but if SP1 needed the CD drive path, I figured
SP2 did, too. The instructions are in Step 2 of the document I referenced,
following the reference in Step 1 which you mention. The drive path was not
defined for three of my MS Office applicications . You will find yours in the
vacinity of

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downloads\<download_code>\Sources\<GUID>\Path=<drive path>

The <download_code> subkey and <GUID> subkey are a series of numbers and
letters in a format that may look similar to the following


The <drive path key and value> would for example, Path="D:\"

Scrutinize that part of the Registry and I bet you'll see what may be
missing. Of course, is Path is already correctly defined, then this ain't the
fix for you.


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