item not found


Alejandro Carnero

I have this code , my problem is
if the line
Me.Lista69.RowSource = "select idvenda,codigo,produto,qtd,unit,total from
tbvenda WHERE nvenda like " & nven & " "
do not find any item how i display a warning "ITEM NOT FOUND"??
thanks by any help

Alejandro Canero

Private Sub Comando73_Click()
Dim nven, index As Integer
Dim totg, ctot As Double
nven = Me.NVENDA2
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "inse_ven1"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Me.Lista69.RowSource = "select idvenda,codigo,produto,qtd,unit,total from
tbvenda WHERE nvenda like " & nven & " "
totg = DSum("total", "tbvenda", "nvenda=" & nven)
Me.SUBTOTAL = totg
'Me.tge = totg
Me.quant = " "
Me.pesquisa = " "
End Sub


You could use a DCount filtered the same as the query to see if any matching
records exist.

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