Items not saved to global.mpt when copied using macro


Y Davies

I have a file that I use to distribute some macros and a toolbar - when the
MPP file is opened, the On Open procedure copies the macros and toolbar to
the user’s global.mpt. This usually works a treat but recently I’ve seen
cases where the On Open procedure is run but none of the copying takes place.
The macros and toolbars can be copied using the Organiser OK, but that
requires the users to know how to do it and what to copy. Can anyone advise
why this might be the case? It seems to happen on recently installed versions
of MSP, is it something to do with the way it’s been installed?

Jim Spiller

I've used the Auto_Open command to do this same sort of thing and if Macro
Security is set to High it won't work. Try setting Macro Security to Low or


Y Davies said:
I have a file that I use to distribute some macros and a toolbar - when the
MPP file is opened, the On Open procedure copies the macros and toolbar to
the user’s global.mpt. This usually works a treat but recently I’ve seen
cases where the On Open procedure is run but none of the copying takes place.
The macros and toolbars can be copied using the Organiser OK, but that
requires the users to know how to do it and what to copy. Can anyone advise
why this might be the case? It seems to happen on recently installed versions
of MSP, is it something to do with the way it’s been installed?

Jim has a good suggestion and I thought of something else. Did you put a
"On Error Resume Next" statement in your event macro? If so, comment it
out and see what error message pops up.

Project MVP

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