Iteration values



I was trying to use Excel's iteration function (circular reference) t
solve a problem for my Applied Hydraulics class. All was going wel
until I reached the last formula - it keeps on giving me back the valu
0. Now, I know this isn't the cprrect answer because I used the sam
formula with my calculator (including various others) and they all gav
me the same answer, different than 0. What I was able to conclude i
the following:

Let X be the variable I wish to calculate. In the formula I wrote,
appears as SIN(X)*"rest of formula" (or as on the worksheet - SIN("Cel
name")). Seeing as how "rest of formula" is not 0, SIN(X)=0, whic
means Excel is giving 0 as the value of X. This being the case, I'l
never be able to get the correct value for X. How can I change th
value Excel gives? If it were to attribute 1 to X, then I'd get th
desired result. Or is SOLVER my only option?

Much thanks in advance

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