Japanese Windows XP with Microsoft Office


Marty W

Hi All,

I currently have a Japanese version of Windows XP (home ... i think) on

my laptop which I bought in Japan (duh!).

I was wonder if it is possible to install the English version of
Microsoft office (say as if i bought it off the shelf in Australia), or

will I have problems with localization (i've seen this word thrown
around the net) ?

Thanks !


Marty W said:
I currently have a Japanese version of Windows XP (home ... i think) on
my laptop which I bought in Japan (duh!).
I was wonder if it is possible to install the English version of
Microsoft office (say as if i bought it off the shelf in Australia), or

I've installed an English version of Office on a Turkish installation of
WinXP Home without any problems. However Turkish uses a version of the Latin
alphabet, which is not the case with Japanese.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Marty,

Installing a retail English language edition of MS Office 2003 on a non-English Windows version is one of the supported

There are some settings that Office uses directly from the Windows settings in the control panel, but what you run into may also
depend on what else (other than Office) you have installed or later install that can cause some issues due to a language mix.

Hi All,

I currently have a Japanese version of Windows XP (home ... i think) on

my laptop which I bought in Japan (duh!).

I was wonder if it is possible to install the English version of
Microsoft office (say as if i bought it off the shelf in Australia), or

will I have problems with localization (i've seen this word thrown
around the net) ?

Thanks !
Marty >>

I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Send 2007 Office System Beta 2 feedback directly to the MS Office 2007 product team with this feedback tool:

4. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit

Marty W

Thanks for the info guys !


Hi Marty,

Installing a retail English language edition of MS Office 2003 on a non-English Windows version is one of the supported

There are some settings that Office uses directly from the Windows settings in the control panel, but what you run into may also
depend on what else (other than Office) you have installed or later install that can cause some issues due to a language mix.

Hi All,

I currently have a Japanese version of Windows XP (home ... i think) on

my laptop which I bought in Japan (duh!).

I was wonder if it is possible to install the English version of
Microsoft office (say as if i bought it off the shelf in Australia), or

will I have problems with localization (i've seen this word thrown
around the net) ?

Thanks !
Marty >>

I hope this helped you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office system products MVP

LINKS to the 2007 Office System

1. Free MS Office 2007 book from MS Press, 213 pages:

2.. Office 2007 Beta 2 Online Test Drive, Downloadable beta,
e-learning courses, doucmentation and movies:

3. Send 2007 Office System Beta 2 feedback directly to the MS Office 2007 product team with this feedback tool:

4. Try the 2007 OfficeOnline preview website , without Office2007

a. Install the ActiveX access control

b. then visit

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