Thanks for this code.
Yes, it does use Javascript.
You wrote "below is the html that does now work right", so if it does work
right, is there still a problem?
Anyway, I'll add some comments to see if I can help
This is just a mock up she did for me to see how it looks. She is
adding a nav bar for me but she used HER nav bar for me to see what
it would look like.
I left off the header stuff. That part is correct but below is the
html that does now work right
all.clsMenuItemNS, .clsMenuItemIE{text-decoration: none; font: bold
12px Arial; color: #000000; cursor: hand; z-index:100}
#MainTable A:hover {color: #383838;}
This defines some styles in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
Styles starting with . (e.g. .clsMenuItemIE) are used as classes inside
HTML tags, E.G. <p class="clsMenuItemIE">
And styles starting with # (e.g. #MainTable) are used as ids inside HTML
<script language="JavaScript">
//Top Nav Bar I v2.1- By Constantin Kuznetsov Jr.
//Modified by Dynamic Drive for various improvements
//Visit for this script
var keepstatic=0 //specify whether menu should stay static (works
only in IE4+)
var menucolor="#91DBFF" //specify menu color
var submenuwidth=150 //specify sub menus' width
This is Javascript code which defines 3 variables. (Just ignore any line
or part of a line with // on it - these are comments)
<script language="JavaScript" src="menu.js"></script>
This calls more Javascript from an external file "menu.js" (on the same
folder as the HTML file)
<script language="JavaScript" src="menucontext.js"></script>
This calls more Javascript from an external file "menucontext.js"
<script language="JavaScript">
This calls a function, which must be defined somewhere, possibly on one of
the external files.
<script language="JavaScript">
function UpdateIt(){
if (ie&&keepstatic&&!opr6)
document.all["MainTable"] = document.body.scrollTop;
setTimeout("UpdateIt()", 200);
This defines a Javascript function and then executes it.
I can't quite explain what it does. It is something like:
Set the position of the element with id "MainTable" to the position of the
cursor; repeat this 5 times a second
Why, I haven't a clue
Anyway, post back to say what does and doesn't work and what your queries
Of course, if you are paying someone to do it, she should answer your
questions. To just say "I hate FrontPage" doesn't really help at all.
FrontPage is just one way of generating HTML, and it is an editor in which
you can add CSS and/or Javascript (to mention two) which will complement
your HTML.
Trevor L.
[ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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